Full Moon Thanksgiving at the ER

The last place I expected to be on this Full Moon Thanksgiving was at the ER treating an infected abscess on my face, the but the lessons of gratitude and perspective is worth it.

I feel SO blessed to have my health today. SO blessed that I don’t normally have a piece of my face sliced open. I feel SO blessed for family and friends and ohana who love me and care for me.

And I am forever grateful for Sherry Brown Guillermo — not only for bringing me over vegan tofurky when I told her that I wouldn’t go to a party with my face looking like this, but also for urging me to go the ER and get checked out. YOU are an Earth Angel, Sherry and I love you. 

I could have done some serious damage to my brain or face or bloodstream if I left this untreated. 

So I’m grateful for taking care of my body...and my body knew what to do. 

My mind was resisting driving to the hospital, but my body knew it was the best thing to do.

The body always knows...

And I’m grateful for my yoga practice. I took it off the mat tonight and used my breathe to move through the pain of the procedure I had.

I often judge technology, but tonight Im also so grateful to be able to FaceTime with my parents and to be able to talk and communicate with loved ones while I was here in the hospital tonight. 

The Truth is that even though we are ultimately ONE, we are also alone. 

We will die alone. 

It was hard to be in the ER alone on Thanksgiving. It felt like a Spiritual lesson for my life right now...and at the same time, my phone kept me connected, and soothed the harshness of that Truth.

Life is a gift. This body is a gift. 

Good health is a gift. 

Love your loved ones and be generous with them. Be kind and loving always, be mindful and manage where you are directing your energy.

