Your High Expectations of Others is About You Loving Yourself Even More
I’m getting super present to the high expectations I have for others in my Life.
And I’m ever so clear that those expectations are merely a projection of the high expectations that I have for myself.
I haven’t been willing to look at this area of my Life because somewhere along my journey I decided that if I had high expectations of myself, I would always push myself to make shit happen and be productive with my life.
So in a way, the expectations I’ve had of myself have really served me...
The dark side, though is that I end up putting a lot of pressure on myself and on others.
My self-compassion becomes limited.
I saw that this Thanksgiving with this infected abscess on my face.
I was really hard on myself during the whole thing: mad at myself for trying to pop it like a pimple, mad at myself for going into the Ocean which made it more infected, mad at myself for not being more educated about antibiotics versus more natural medicine...etc, etc.
So it all becomes even MORE of a blessing.
Isn’t it amazing how every thing that happens in our lives is part of a larger web that’s being woven surrounding our personal evolution?
The gratitude extends *beyond* Thanksgiving.
I am so grateful, and I’m so in love with Life in all of the mysterious and fantastic ways it supports us.
It is truly magical.
P.s. SO grateful to have this mug back to its original form. I am healing really quickly, so thank you to all for your thoughts and prayers. I’ve been receiving so much care and concern and it’s really touching. Thank you. XO
#sharinforthegreatergood #compassion #poliahu #gratitude