Results from a recent (April 2024) anonymous feedback (feedforward!) form that was sent to current clients:
How would you describe what Keri offers?
Quantum healing work
A 1:1 container where I felt safe to explore what I'd been struggling with. She offers listening, presence, and a mirror to my experiences
Life changing.
Keri is kind, insightful, thorough. She listens deeply and provides thoughtful perspective…
A very caring approach to recognize and address my childhood grief, and how it has continued to impact my life. Specifically addressing societal constructs that influence my thinking and create 'rules' of behavior and thought that I am happy to understand and unlearn.
A path to reconnection with the purity and positivity of your True self…
What have sessions with Keri provided for you and your Life?
Each session offers an opportunity to access deeply held negative or positive beliefs; then I can choose to change my perspective or not. Clarity.
I was in my stuff, very entangled in it, and after sessions with her, I was able to see more clearly where I had been overwhelmed and confused
Better sense of self /Success at work /Success with family /Success with all relationships
I felt heard and supported. I gained some perspective that rounded out some of what I was trying to sort through.
Calm. Reassurance that I'm a good person and learning how to love myself.
Reconnection, blessings to my family, reinvention of my life.
If you could sum up what she's offered you in 3 words, what would they be?
Quantum energy healer
support, confidence, acceptance
A better life
Perspective, kindness, depth.
Calm, Love, Awareness
Super Evolved Honoring
What do you think are Keri's strengths as a practitioner?
Compassion and non judgment; pure love
she listens well and helps you to see where you may resisting, or not accepting reality
Inspires / Strengthens / Honest / Compassionate / Persistent / Does not give up even you might give up on yourself
Keri is kind and open. She listens without judgment. She brings clarity and cuts through crap and the noise of narrative.
Listening and understanding my needs. Being able to remember topics from past sessions and tie them to current learnings.
Listening, intuition, caring
collage by Rashani Réa
“It’s like 10 years of therapy in one hour.” -Jennifer, Operations Manager
“I came to Keri not knowing what to expect and not knowing what was miscalibrated or out of whack. After our session my body was radiating with the most intense electrical currents I had ever experienced. I felt as though someone new had stepped in to fill my shoes. I can't claim to be the all-knowing, though if someone ever asked if Keri was sent to this planet at this time to be a healer, I'd say without a doubt, yes. I wrote the following song about our session.” -Gabriel Petty
“Keri is absolutely incredible! I was taken aback by how much progress I was able to make in just my first session! She genuinely cares, and I came out of the sessions feeling lighter, feeling more confident in myself, and knowing these parts of myself had been there all along...but I couldn’t have reached those parts of myself without her guidance. It was hard work but she created a space in which I felt safe processing and learning from things that had happened to me in my past that were holding me back in the present. I also learned how much trauma was stored in my body and I am so grateful to her for helping me to release that. In addition to the sessions, she gave me concrete tools to assist with my anxiety that I could apply and use in my day-to-day life. I am so grateful for the work she has done on me, and highly recommend her to anyone! She had flexible appointment times and was willing to accommodate my schedule! She is AWESOME! Thank you Keri!” - Aly, Photographer
“I worked with Keri for the first half of this year. I sought her out because I knew I needed to work with something more than talk- therapy to generate the depth of shift I was seeking in my life. From our first phone consultation I knew there was something special and deep moving through this woman. Through our sessions, Keri helped me hone in on root issues, clear old patterns and equip myself with new tools for observing, processing and engaging with my experiences old and new. I have a clearer and deeper sense of my Self and an entirely new repertoire of coping & expanding skills to work with.
My confidence and trust in myself was in tatters when I first started working with Keri. Through the months of our sessions she gently guided me to remembering and trusting in myself again. Each session was different, some hard and some gentle and easy; all along the way, Keri supported, guided and offered love to the parts of me that so deeply needed it. I can’t imagine a better Sherpa into the depths of the Soul than she!
I currently have a clarity of intention and a sense of trust in my intuition that is creating/facilitating shifts in every area of my life. Especially with the unavoidable bumps in the road, I am able to see that it’s a constant journey, but I’m a new person on the path. A gentler, kinder, more connected (to myself and all energies) person. Thank you for creating and holding the space for me to dive deep; thank you for guiding that dive so that it felt productive and approachable; for pushing me, supporting me and celebrating me at all the right moments; for sharing and channeling such healing wisdom and allowing that wisdom to further awaken in my own being. Keri, you are a rare and truly gifted healer.” - Ilana
"I've been working with Keri closely for the past year and a half and in that time, my life has transformed rapidly! I was unfamiliar with energy work before I found her, but something felt blocked and I knew there had to be a way to clear it! Having been to talk therapy throughout my entire life, Keri's background in social work felt comfortable and familiar while we explored a new form of healing. This combination of techniques is what makes Keri so special and unlike any other healer or therapist. Her work is nothing short of magical... She almost always intuitively knows exactly what I didn't know I needed. I could go on forever. I am so grateful for whatever inner guidance helped me find Keri!" – Jordyn, Fashion Designer
"Keri is an amazing healer, and coach. I chose to work with her on a unique issue that I knew just any coach or a therapist couldn't support me with; As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse I sometimes face unique challenges that require the listening, and compassion of a very skilled therapist and healer. Keri was my first choice. She over-delivered and I am grateful to be on the other side of what could have been a life disaster. You are so skilled and thorough. Thank you for existing! I am so grateful to know you." - A.L.
“Keri, the work I did with you was life-changing, painful, but in the best way possible... and I truly believe you helped me clear some dirt that was in need of cleansing for a long, long, time. I look forward to seeing you again; I am eternally grateful for your magic, and your wisdom. And I'm not easy to please or convince, as I have had the honor of working with some truly talented people... but with you, I think I "cleared" more in 2 sessions than work I had been doing for years. You are gifted, my friend. I am grateful to know you. And if any of you reading this haven’t seen Keri yet, I urge you to be brave and take the action to release what is no longer serving you... as she is magic.” - Kristen M., Drug & Alcohol Counselor
"Since going to Keri's energy clearing sessions, I have let things go I never thought I would have, I have stepped into a new phase of womanhood and transformation. I am so gentle with myself now. I am quicker to resolution, able to protect myself from darker energies. I have become more aligned and know how to align myself. I recognize my light. I tap into a deeper level of consciousness and awareness every session with her. If you are in need of guidance and healing I highly suggest working with her." - Bailee Houle, Photographer
"The person I was showing up as 10 months ago seems like a shell. Keri has walked me through the process of shedding my old skin that I was hiding out in for years. I used to feel incomplete, scattered, and fearful. I feel whole, present, and confident now. This work has changed my life. If you’re having a struggle with making your dreams come true, your health, financial abundance, relationships, or knowing who you really are, I cannot recommend this enough. My life is like night and day...I’m no longer stuck repeating the same behaviors and beliefs I thought I could never break, and I see myself and the world through completely different eyes. Thank you Keri." - Michelle, Naturopath Doctor
“I just have to say, that I appreciate everything that we've gone through together throughout our sessions and all the in between. I am so happy that I am finally able to freely express myself without hesitation or judgement, that I've finally created boundaries and safe spaces to be able to communicate with my mom and my sister. I'm really happy to have found you and all the processes we have gone through and will continue to do so. I appreciate you!” - Kristine I
"Thank you again for all you do. I have been experiencing small yet "seismic" internal shifts that show me the impact of our work. For a few weeks now I've noticed I'm much less critical about my body and easing off of the warped self-image that I've carried with me for decades. I definitely feel like I had gotten lost along my way and you're helping me find my way back to me." -A. Mitchell
"What started as a curiosity to explore past lives has shifted into something life changing. I started doing inner work and receiving healing from Keri about a year ago and since then my life has been transforming. I was truly supposed to meet Keri, perhaps you are too!" - Anna Wilhelm, Vegan Baker
"Last night I had the most amazing past life regression session with Keri-Receiver-Sender. In a totally safe and quiet room I was able to relax completely and comfortably on the massage table. I entered into a very deep trance state and yet was able to briefly communicate what I was seeing to Keri. The whole session was an amazing experience of letting go of all judgements and limiting beliefs around human existence." -Bryce Aspen Stillwater, aka Whalesong
From a client who just completed my 'Igniter Program', which consisted of 3 Past-Life Regression sessions: "Amazing how the sequence came together like a fairy tale…what a story… from beginning to end...THANK YOU for helping me remember who I AM and… OWNING MY REALITY, CLAIMING MY TRUTH, STANDING IN MY INTEGRITY, WITH POWER!!! I think this has inspired me to begin writing a book… did i just say that… I guess I did and so be it! Thank you..." -Heather Hersey, founder of A Moving Healing Center, Polarity and RYSE Practitioner.
"Keri is a very empathetic, expressive and energetic human being creating a supportive and transformative environment for the highest good. I had not heard of the Bars before working with her. I was quite surprised at the effectiveness of the technique and what was called forth to be expressed and transformed during our sessions. Things I was not even aware of that I was holding onto from the past were revealed. I was able to transform this old energy and myself through the process. My work with Keri made me feel lighter, more present to what is going on in my life, and with those connected to me. I finally felt more free and energetic in my various life practices. I recommend Keri to anyone who is seeking to gain perspective and awareness and looking to make themselves more authentic and present in this life." – Jason Koulouras
There is something profoundly healing about Keri's approach. Hard to describe but the combination of hands on energy work, which is hugely comforting in itself, and the talking through of important concerns - it's almost mystical. Very uplifting, both physically, mentally and spiritually. Highly recommend. -Christina, Financial Services Organization Development Manager
"There's something really special about a session with Keri. And I think I've pinpointed what really sets Keri apart from other energy workers and counselors I've known. Keri goes on the journey with me. It's not that she takes on my problems or challenges and does the work for me. But during a session, she is totally engaged and on-board with what I'm experiencing, at times even feeling sensations or emotions in her own body before I notice it in mine. She has a real gift." -Amy, Teacher and Entrepreneur
"Working with Keri was an incredible experience. Her ability to undo past traumatic memories through both an energetic method and her counseling background makes even one session with Keri a potent releasing journey. I felt as though there exists a life before my Keri session and life after my Keri session. I will definitely be returning!!!" -Shira, Psychology Student
"That session has shifted my life or lifted something in me. It's so amazing the space it has created for are such a gift." -Caralee, Life-Coach
"Thank you thank you so much for all that you do - if it weren't for it I wouldn't be where I am right now. You played a big role into manifesting the Paula that is now. Mahalo NUI loa." -Paula Reyes, Yoga Instructor
"When I first met with Keri for a session, I was not quite sure what to expect from the process. I was quite surprised when the energy healing and bars process unlocked a very, very old memory that I had no idea was still "stuck" somewhere inside me." -Stacey, Licensed Social Worker
“I loved my Access Consciousness Bars session with Keri! It was soothing, peaceful, and left me with a bright sense of well-being. It felt luxurious to have a break from the action and feel so well taken care of.” -Christina, NGO Founder
"...I am very impressed with your work and have been causally following it the past few months. I think your energy work is so important...I work with asylum seekers...All of my clients are victims of intense trauma, and so the light and energy that shines through in your guided audio meditations and videos are much needed in this world, and have been especially valuable to me. Thank you for doing this work!" - Nicole, Lawyer
“Thank you very much for your session today. I really feel like the pain associated with this person... has been lifted. Amazing! You are great at what you do!” –Ilana, Hypnotist
"Thanks for a beautiful Bars class! I am floating in a mellow cloud of Bliss, and, on the practical/technical side of it, I feel your expert guidance & suggestions were very helpful. You rock as a facilitator! " -Katrin, Retreat Organizer
"I very much enjoyed the Access Consciousness Bars class with Keri. She is very passionate and knowledgeable of the material and took her time to really show me where everything is. As a former teacher of Chinese Medicine, I appreciate how Keri presented the material in an easy and yet precise way.” -Shahido, Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Licensed Acupuncturist