Finding Faith Amongst Any & All Circumstances + the *NEW YEAR, NEW YOU Holiday Special Package*

Finding Faith Amongst Any & All Circumstances +
the *NEW YEAR, NEW YOU Holiday Special Package*

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Greetings and Salutations,

Important information came through from God/Spirit/Higher Power recently for me to share with you:

Be aware of the times you feel hopeless because in essence you are telling Spirit "I don't really trust you".

If Spirit were your friend, how do you think being uncertain about them would effect your relationship?

If your perception of the friend is full of anxiety or mistrust then they will appear untrustworthy, despite the Truth of who they are.

Too much worry shows Spirit you don't believe.
So relax and allow the ebbs and flows of life to carry you along to your destiny.

Choose to believe in Spirit every second.
Choose to believe in yourself.

*NEW YEAR, NEW YOU Holiday Special*

The New Year is a powerful time to shed old ways of Being to
Unlock Who You Really Are.

I fully support you in letting go of old energy so you can create YourSelf to be the version of you who you desire to be, so I am offering a

*NEW YEAR, NEW YOU Holiday Special* 
which includes:

The Igniter Program: 
Three (3) 50-minute Clearing & Transformation Sessions
3 Clearings or Activations from my Tools to Unlock You 

for only $297
(Up to $623 in Value!)

To purchase, schedule your 15-minute Alignment Inquiry Call HERE.

*Sessions are available over Skype or In-Person.
*Must Be Purchased before December 31st, 2016.

Release the past that has been holding you back
and Unlock Who You Really Are.

What People Say...

"Thank you for last night.. Thank you for being exactly who you are and being able to hold such a space for me. I love the way I feel more ME today. And I feel like I am back in my body again... 🙏" -G.P.

Sender-Receiver Suggests:

Don Slocum is my favorite Yogi Photographer.

From the magical Milky Way to stunning sunsets, his images remind us to bow to the awesomeness of Mother Nature.
Aluminum prints will make a spectacular addition to any space. Check out his work and order prints:
*Special 15% Discount if purchased by December 24th.*

And if you live in West Hawaii, join Don in a 90-minute led Ashtanga Yoga Class:

Tuesdays & Thursdays
$20 Drop-In / $80 Monthly
*First Class Free*
Malama I Ka Ola Holistic Health Center in Holualoa
76-5914 Mamalahoa Hwy Holualoa, HI 96725


Here to Remind You to Believe,
Keri xo