The Many Facets of Yoga -- My Experience with Bhakti
What a f*$&ing EPIC and transformational weekend I had at BhaktiFest in Joshua Tree, California last weekend...
Four days of endless yoga classes, workshops on everything from astrology to breath-work to the Vedas, non-stop kirtan music and dancing, incredible Vegan food and like-minded people giving and receiving LOVE.
Bhakti is one of the four types of yoga. It's the yoga of devotion and surrender to the Divine, and is often called the sect of “Love for Love’s sake”.
It is a path to self-realization that I’ve never known before. Up to this point, my main spiritual practices have been with Raja yoga — the type of yoga that involves focus, meditation, contemplation and renunciation to achieve self-realization.
Yet Bhakti is about embracing LOVE, connection and Bliss. It’s about Being in your JOY, and not running away from it because you think it will lead to attachment and suffering.
Bhakti sees Humans as Honeybees, buzzing from flower to flower gathering sweet nectar. When the nectar is drained from a flower, the honeybee doesn't get sad or feel just moves onto the next flower, knowing there's an endless supply of the sweetness.
How incredibly freeing this concept was for me!
So I allowed myself to be in my Bliss, without apology. I danced my most sensual dance without apology. I only moved towards the flowers that felt good and I drank from the nectar.
I also allowed myself to be led by the Divine...and it was nothing short of miraculous. I met Soul Family, and reveled in the deepest of connections with them. They were there to help me, to nourish me, to guide me. I stopped paddling against the stream of Life and let a river rush me forward.
I curiously marveled at these members of my Soul Family with the faint recognition of each other's faces and the deep recognition of the Soul shown from their eyes...even though we've never met in this physical form before.
They are my Soul Family of Earth Angels, accentuating the mystery of the Universe and at the same time allowing my encounters with them to make more sense of God.
It was incredible.
I would feel tugs and pulls from Spirit, little whispers and an internal G.P.S. that churned inside saying "go walk here now", "go get this now" "go rest now" and invariably every time I listened to this internal guidance, something magical would happen and I would receive exactly what I needed...whether it was meeting the person who would gift me the sleeping bag I forgot to bring, or engaging with someone who would catalyze the possibility of the romantic relationship of my dreams.
It was so beautiful.
I got that much more intimate with Agape -- with Unconditional Love.
And I got that much more intimate with God.
I found the Honey in my heart.
I raised my arms and gave reverence to all the Gods & Goddess, those Avatars that have found the Merkaba -- the path to Ascension -- and came back without physical form to guide us on Earth.
The synchronicities I experienced were astounding. There were many stark examples that the more you surrender to the Divine, the more you can see how EVERYTHING is orchestrated...and the more you can rest in the deep understanding that you can NEVER get it wrong.
Your choices now are those that have been made when time and space didn't exist, all so that you can move forward on your journey. Rest in the knowing that you can't ever get it wrong. Life is not designed that way...
I learned so much more about Yoga this weekend and it was a perfect entrance into Fall. I started my summer with renunciation in the form of a 21 day silent meditation course, and ended it with four days of Bliss.
How beautiful to know they are both YOGA...different choose-your-own-adventures from the Dictionary that is Life...
One last thing I feel to share with you: I found a new modality that speaks to the center of my heart...breath-work. I didn't know until this past weekend that Pranayama can have such a profound effect on the body, this life-force energy that allows us to let go of stored trauma and become a clear channel for the Divine.
In an Intensive Breathwork workshop I took with The Breath Center, I felt the actual presence of all of the celestial beings that I know are always with me. I was literally in the arms of the angels and I felt them.
I started learning how to practice and facilitate this breath-work and I'm excited to share it with you, so stay tuned for more about that...
I've got so much more to share but I wanted to touch base about this recent experience. So stay tuned for more exciting news and thank you for taking the time to read this.
What a f*$&ing EPIC and transformational weekend I had at BhaktiFest in Joshua Tree, California last weekend...
Four days of endless yoga classes, workshops on everything from astrology to breath-work to the Vedas, non-stop kirtan music and dancing, incredible Vegan food and like-minded people giving and receiving LOVE.
Bhakti is one of the four types of yoga. It's the yoga of devotion and surrender to the Divine, and is often called the sect of “Love for Love’s sake”.
It is a path to self-realization that I’ve never known before. Up to this point, my main spiritual practices have been with Raja yoga — the type of yoga that involves focus, meditation, contemplation and renunciation to achieve self-realization.
Yet Bhakti is about embracing LOVE, connection and Bliss. It’s about Being in your JOY, and not running away from it because you think it will lead to attachment and suffering.
Bhakti sees Humans as Honeybees, buzzing from flower to flower gathering sweet nectar. When the nectar is drained from a flower, the honeybee doesn't get sad or feel just moves onto the next flower, knowing there's an endless supply of the sweetness.
How incredibly freeing this concept was for me!
So I allowed myself to be in my Bliss, without apology. I danced my most sensual dance without apology. I only moved towards the flowers that felt good and I drank from the nectar.
I also allowed myself to be led by the Divine...and it was nothing short of miraculous. I met Soul Family, and reveled in the deepest of connections with them. They were there to help me, to nourish me, to guide me. I stopped paddling against the stream of Life and let a river rush me forward.
I curiously marveled at these members of my Soul Family with the faint recognition of each other's faces and the deep recognition of the Soul shown from their eyes...even though we've never met in this physical form before.
They are my Soul Family of Earth Angels, accentuating the mystery of the Universe and at the same time allowing my encounters with them to make more sense of God.
It was incredible.
I would feel tugs and pulls from Spirit, little whispers and an internal G.P.S. that churned inside saying "go walk here now", "go get this now" "go rest now" and invariably every time I listened to this internal guidance, something magical would happen and I would receive exactly what I needed...whether it was meeting the person who would gift me the sleeping bag I forgot to bring, or engaging with someone who would catalyze the possibility of the romantic relationship of my dreams.
It was so beautiful.
I got that much more intimate with Agape -- with Unconditional Love.
And I got that much more intimate with God.
I found the Honey in my heart.
I raised my arms and gave reverence to all the Gods & Goddess, those Avatars that have found the Merkaba -- the path to Ascension -- and came back without physical form to guide us on Earth.
The synchronicities I experienced were astounding. There were many stark examples that the more you surrender to the Divine, the more you can see how EVERYTHING is orchestrated...and the more you can rest in the deep understanding that you can NEVER get it wrong.
Your choices now are those that have been made when time and space didn't exist, all so that you can move forward on your journey. Rest in the knowing that you can't ever get it wrong. Life is not designed that way...
I learned so much more about Yoga this weekend and it was a perfect entrance into Fall. I started my summer with renunciation in the form of a 21 day silent meditation course, and ended it with four days of Bliss.
How beautiful to know they are both YOGA...different choose-your-own-adventures from the Dictionary that is Life...
One last thing I feel to share with you: I found a new modality that speaks to the center of my heart...breath-work. I didn't know until this past weekend that Pranayama can have such a profound effect on the body, this life-force energy that allows us to let go of stored trauma and become a clear channel for the Divine.
In an Intensive Breathwork workshop I took with The Breath Center, I felt the actual presence of all of the celestial beings that I know are always with me. I was literally in the arms of the angels and I felt them.
I started learning how to practice and facilitate this breath-work and I'm excited to share it with you, so stay tuned for more about that...
I've got so much more to share but I wanted to touch base about this recent experience. So stay tuned for more exciting news and thank you for taking the time to read this.
If you are feeling ready to dive deep into yourSelf and clear emotional trauma to Unlock Who You Really Are: Schedule a 30-minute "Mini-Clearing and Consult Call" by clicking here.