3 Weeks of Silent Meditation. What I got and how it can help You…
Dear One,
Well...I’m back. It feels hard to encapsulate three weeks straight of silence and continuous meditation. One of the main teachings of the Vipassana meditation technique is that everything is always changing.
In fact, even our own physical form is always changing. We are nothing more than tiny bundles of matter or “kalapas” that arise and pass away every nanosecond much faster than we can even notice that it’s all just a dream...it’s the Great Illusion that appears remarkably real.
This concept of constant change, or impermanence is called “Anicca” in Pali - the dialect of Gautama the Buddha who found and used the Vipassana meditation technique to achieve enlightenment in the 4th century BC.
So the best way to describe my meditation course is that it was Anicca, always changing...just like Life. Just like Us.
It was a beautiful reflection of the ups and downs, of good days and bad, of sacred moments of feeling close and connected to Spirit and bouts of suffering from resistance to what IS.
In general, I learned a LOT about myself. I got up close and personal with my incessantly active Gemini brain. I got to see how much I can change my mind. I saw how overactive with analysis my mind can be. My mind really doesn’t want to shut up. And it was hard to stay out of it. I saw how much I harp on things, how much I re-work, re-write, assign meaning, and make up stories that sometimes can keep me in the role of a victim.
Even if you’re not a Gemini, I bet you can relate.
Our brains trick us into the illusion that it runs the show, and that it’s the only thing that matters. Our brains are bullies to our bodies and villains to our hearts. Our brains create stories to keep us moving in loops.
If we realize this, if we keep remembering that we are so much more than our minds, then we can keep bringing ourselves back to consciousness, and to the Divine Perfection of the Present Moment.
That’s why meditation is so important.
Even if you the thought of sitting in meditation feels completely crazy to you, I encourage you to at the very least listen to a guided meditation. There are so many out there on the Internet, just choose one that feels good. I’ve got a 45-minute Progressive Muscle Relaxation Guided Meditation of my own that you can download Here: and plenty of other meditations you can choose from on the Tools to Unlock You page of theUnlock Who You Really Are website.
In the meditation course I also realized that there is a Divine Flow to everything - from the pattern of our meditations, to what we choose to eat for breakfast. There’s a way it's all meant to flow and if you pay close enough attention you can be in this Divine Flow in every waking moment, constantly guided by Spirit and the natural order (or unfolding) of things.
Vipassana is a practice into the True Nature of Reality. One of the results of my three weeks of practice was an increased awareness of my relationship to my parents. I got very present to the times in the past that I’ve been unappreciative of my parents enormous love and care for me. I got how truly loved I am by my parents, and how blessed I am to have them in this Life.
It was a big deal for me to do this course. It was twice as long as any of the other Vipassana courses I’ve taken over the past 7 years. I’m not going to tell you it was easy. Practicing this meditation technique continuously - all day, every day - for three weeks straight was challenging and a lot of work. I’m so glad that I did it, though.
Since I’ve been back, I’ve been shedding lots of tears for the loss of my own unconsciousness - a very beautiful and strange thing. I’ve found great refuge in myself within the depths of the Illusion of my physical form. I can feel the veil loosening, like I’m peaking through a tear in the Matrix.
I wrote something after my first 10-day Vipassana course in 2011 that I’d like to share with you. It explains more about the technique, in case you’re interested. You can read it by clicking Here.
Vipassana Meditation Centers are located all over the world and are also completely donation-based. If this practice speaks to you at all, I encourage you to register for a 10-day course. You can learn more Here.
Now that I’m back I feel ready to serve you again to assist you to shed the layers of your own unconsciousness and Unlock Who You Really Are. I’ll be in New York City for at least the rest of August as I prepare for my next chapter whereabouts to unfold (stay tuned for more on this...). You can either work with me in the Big Apple in person this month, or as always over the Internets from the Big Island, or from anywhere else in the world. You can schedule a 30-minute Mini-Clearing & Consult call with me Here.
I feel blessed to have you in my movie.