Resisting What's Happening
This week I'll moving for the second time this month...
I'm feeling a little beat down.
But the Truth is that I'm in this predicament
because I didn't follow my Heart.
I wasn't TRUE to myself.
I was trying to control my situation,
control others,
fulfill my expectations and desires
instead of seeing Reality for What it IS.
If there's anything I've learned
these past couple of years on this magical island
in the middle of the sea,
Is that sometimes Life twists and turns in a different direction than you thought.
Sometimes things happen that you don't want to happen.
And sometimes things don't happen that you do want to happen.
But if you resist what's happening in any which way,
You Suffer...
What I'm going through right now is nothing.
There are hundreds of millions of people struggling
much more than I am in this moment, in much worse ways.
Maybe you are struggling, too.
So here's to us all remembering,
that whatever it is that we may be going through,
at any given time,
We will ALWAYS
(P.S. There was a chicken that was yelling because he was stuck on of the MacNut Trees behind me...but he made it out by the end of the song. ;-)