Dance Out the Trauma Response MP3 Guided Meditation
Dance Out the Trauma Response MP3 Guided Meditation
This 9 minute guided dance meditation MP3 is designed for you to move through and release the old energy stored in your body from a past trauma.
When we get triggered (which means that something from the present reminds our body and/or mind of a trauma from the past) we often go into our ‘trauma response’. A trauma response may include strong or subtle bodily sensations, feelings and emotions such as anxiety, anger, sadness, grief, etc.
Studies show that humans are like animals in that we can shake off the ‘trembling’ or unused energy from a fight, flight or freeze response due to trauma. This allows us to move on from the experience and keep it in the past, instead of carrying it with us in the present moment and into the future.
Listen to this MP3 Guided Meditation whenever it resonates to use movement and dance as a means of coping with the energy of getting triggered due to a past trauma. This is healthy coping strategy you can turn to instead of reacting, disassociating or engaging in addictions such as drugs, alcohol, food, TV or social media.