To Connect with Who You Truly Are is to experience peace, joy, and true happiness.

Past relational or emotional trauma that isn’t investigated may also inhibit your ability to experience peace, joy and true happiness, as well as block your knowing of innate wholeness and perfection.

Uninvestigated trauma can effect your health and wellbeing, personal growth, and the ability to have healthy relationships and/or work. 

A few examples of experiences related to this are:

  • You seem to be repeating or re-enacting certain relationship dynamics, situations, or events.

  • You turn to addictions like drugs, alcohol, food, sex or social media to numb yourself because feelings and other residual effects from your traumas are too painful or anxiety-producing to face.

  • You get triggered in certain situations and/or with certain people and you can’t understand why.

  • You feel unworthy, undeserving and/or are often self-critical, judgmental, and self-hating.

  • You disassociate from yourself and your body. You’re doing this as a defense mechanism to protect yourself, but you are often not present in (or with) your life and/or with other people.

  • You hide authentic aspects of yourself to protect against further pain, sadness, hurt or loss.

If you have these experiences or others, please know that there is nothing wrong with you! If you’re here on this website, then you’re probably interested in investigating and transforming the relationship you have to your past. That’s great, but know that it’s not necessary in order for you to be whole, perfect and complete. In fact, ‘healing your trauma’ is not even a requirement of awakening!

All of that being said, if you don’t acknowledge the past that’s stored in your body, mind and energy-body, it could lead to disease, distress and a continuation of experiences that can hinder your quality of life.

When you look at yourself and how the past is still impacting you, you can move old energy to get present, unwind core beliefs that are disempowering or untrue, dissolve stories, and have profound and life-altering insights about your own behavior.

Note: It’s quite common within the ‘new age subculture’ to use spiritual teachings or slogans to evade looking deeper within, but transformation does not come from just glossing over uncomfortable truths. This is called Spiritual Bypassing and it can definitely inhibit your personal growth.

Keri likes to call herself a post-trauma, ex-therapist!

What does that mean?!

That means she helps you get beyond the limiting identity of a trauma victim or a trauma survivor. It doesn’t mean your trauma doesn’t shape who you are, but it does mean your trauma doesn’t DEFINE who you are. When ‘trauma survivor’ becomes a fixed identity, it gets in the way of your own personal liberation…and the liberation of the collective! (Because they are one in the same.)

You may be attached to past ways of being that aren’t even relevant to the present moment…and maybe even unaware that you are clinging to that past way.

Sessions with Keri moves energy and produces insights and realizations of ways that the past still creeps into your present. Keri guides you into self-inquiry, and helps you connect with the truth of who you are.

To Connect with Who You Truly Are is to realize who or what you are beyond your thoughts, emotions, self-narratives, identity, and personality.  This is self-realization!

connect with who you truly are

Transform the Relationship You Have to Your Trauma.

schedule a session with keri

Keri Receiver offers online sessions or in-Person on the Big Island of Hawai’i.

She also offers Tarot Readings, Past-Life Regressions for individuals and groups, and Personal Retreats.


Some dance art (created in 2017):
